We guarantee the quality of the products we sell in our store and online.
If you aren’t completely satisfied with your purchase within 30 days, just bring it back. We’ll issue a full refund in the form of the original payment for unopened food products and unused kitchen wares with provide proof of purchase (a receipt, gift receipt or credit card of purchase). Returns accompanied by a gift receipt will be refunded in the form of an Arome Gift Card.
Unfortunately, returns and exchanges without proof of purchase will not be accepted.
Please note all purchases made on sale items are final.
1. Bring your product back to one of our stores with a receipt or credit card of purchase.
2. Ship using your preferred provider to the address below. Include a printed copy of your online order receipt.
Our address is:
Attn: Returns
105 Oak Street
Hood River, Oregon 97031
Many of our products include manufacturer’s warranties that extend beyond our 30 day return policy. These claims are typically addressed between the customer and manufacturer, however, if you are having difficulty reaching a manufacturer please call a store location or use our contact form to reach us and we will help you to resolve the issue.